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All a&o locations at a glance

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Leider kann Ihre Anfrage derzeit online nicht bearbeitet werden, da Sie planen mit mehr Kindern als Erwachsenen anzureisen. Natürlich haben wir auch in diesem Fall ein günstiges Angebot für Sie, möchten Sie aber gerne persönlich beraten, um Ihnen die optimale Zimmerkonstellation anbieten zu können.

About a&o

a&o was founded in 2000 by Oliver Winter and currently operates 40 hostels in 25 cities and nine European countries. To this day, a&o is the biggest privately owned hostel chain in Europe with around 8,220 rooms and 28,000 beds. The innovative combination of hostel and youth hostel products and the central location of the hostels make a&o an interesting successful concept. The hotel area offers guests comfortable and modern single, double and family rooms at permanently low prices. The hostel rooms are equipped with bunk beds and are suitable for young and young-at-heart budget travelers who want to discover Europe's most exciting metropolises.

  • a&o offers all guests 25 inexpensive hostels in Germany's most beautiful cities: Aachen, Berlin, Bremen, Dortmund, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and Weimar.
  • Five other hostels are located in Austria - one of the most beautiful countries in Central Europe: of the five hostels, two are in Vienna, two in Salzburg (one a&o and one Wolfgangs managed by a&o) and another in Graz.
  • In addition, a&o has many other locations in Europe's most exciting metropolises: of the hostels abroad, two each are located in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Venice (Italy), as well as one each in cities such as Amsterdam (Netherlands), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Budapest (Hungary), Prague (Czech Republic) and Warsaw (Poland).

a&o continues to grow

a&o has always grown organically with all generated profits flowing directly back into the company. With the institutional shareholder TPG Real Estate, which was acquired in 2017, a&o continues to expand and is developing new locations in Europe. The focus here is on Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and the UK.

All information about a&o's expansion course and the current new openings can be found here.