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We are expanding through leases and acquisitions

a&o’s strategy is to target existing properties and to grow through freehold acquisition or long-term leases (20+ years).

Business partners who wish to contact a&o to discuss possible real estate offers can contact us at the following address: [email protected].
By the way: a&o will invest up to 500 million euros in the coming years to implement our expansion philosophy. Here is our press release: Here

Existing hotels and hostels

  • Budget to Midscale to Upscale hotels, unencumbered by brand, operator or tenant
  • Room count: around 120 rooms (ranging from 70 to 200)
  • Larger hostels (minimum 350 beds)

Conversion projects

  • Conversion of obsolete and vacant offices buildings (or other asset classes, e.g. schools, factories, etc.)
  • Purpose-built offices from 1960s to 1980s
  • 5,000 sqm or more (min. 3,500 sqm max. 7,000 sqm)


  • City centre locations, or up to 15 minutes away from city centres via public transport (train stations, metro and tube)

Leases and acquisitions

  1. Leases with family offices and institutional investors
    • Lease existing hotels and hostels from owners and re-brand
    • Work with investors to lease newly-acquired properties*
  2. Acquisition of existing hotel and hostels or vacant offices building (subject to change of use) in gateway cities

Target geographic markets

For more detailed information, please check a&o Company Overview (PDF) and a&o IHIF Presentation (PDF)

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